Adrien Crovato, Romain Boman, Huseyin Guner, Vincent E. Terrapon, Grigorios Dimitriadis, Hugo S. Almeida, Alex P. Prado, Carlos Breviglieri, Pedro H. Cabral, Gustavo H. Silva
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2019-087
There is a consensus in the aerospace research community that future aircraft will be more flexible and their wings will be more highly loaded. While this development is likely to increase aircraft efficiency, it poses several aeroelastic questions. Current aeroelastic tailoring practice for early preliminary aircraft design relies on linear aerodynamic modeling, unable to predict shocks. On the other hand, nonlinear solvers, although they provide a wide range of functionality and are reliable, often consist in monolithic code structures and cannot be efficiently coupled to external structural mechanics codes. They are therefore usually not readily usable for coupled fluid-structure interaction computations. The objective of the present work is to carry out aerodynamic and static aeroelastic computations in the context of preliminary aircraft design. To this end, an open-source, fast and reliable, unstructured finite element, Full Potential solver has been developed. Preliminary results are presented and show a significant improvement over the classical linear potential method and are in good agreement with higher fidelity nonlinear solvers.