Nan Yi, Zhiqiang Wan , GuoShu Li, Chao Yang
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2015-128
This paper proposes an analysis using the interval method to consider the uncertainty of the heat flux in hypersonic aerodynamic heating. This method is needed to address the significant errors of hypersonic aerodynamic heat computations and provide results that can be more easily verified experimentally. The proposed method is used to analyze the aeroelastic response of hypersonic vehicles based on aerodynamic-thermalstructure coupling. The heat flux input for the heat conduction analysis is modeled using uncertain interval parameters based on the interval method. Next, the analysis equations are obtained using a finite element method and subsequently solved using a matrix perturbation method. The evolution of the temperature field of a wing during flight is determined. Based on the intervals of the temperature field, a genetic algorithm is used to obtain the temperature field that imposes the largest load on the structure. Finally, based on this temperature field, the relevant static aeroelastic analysis is performed. The results demonstrate that the research methods presented in this paper can accurately consider the impact of heat flux uncertainties on the static aeroelastic response of hypersonic vehicles based on aerodynamic-thermal-1 IFASD-2015-126 structure coupling. The uncertainty of the aerodynamic heat flux has a significant impact on the analysis results for the static aeroelastic response.