Hung-Yen CHOU, Hsien-Hao TENG


Conference number: HiSST2024-00230

The aerodynamic coefficient of AGARD-B model is measured in wind tunnel. According to the definition, the total drag is the sum of fore body drag and base drag. To calculate the fore body drag precisely, the base pressure data must be measured accurately. In this test, the base drag was found apparently much higher than other tests performed by Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) in USA and Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) in Europe. To correct this error, the static pressure data at the model support position must be measured by static-pressure probe. After re-calculation, both the base drag and fore body drag have been in the region offered from AGARD publications. Furthermore, the coefficient is validated to the result from CFD Simulation, and the data is within the tolerance range. The numerical simulations were performed using ANSYS Fluent 2023, and a structured mesh with near wall treatment and the κ-ω SST turbulence models. Proceed to the next step, the flow topologies over the AGARD-B model at Mach 0.80, 0.95, 1.05, and 1.2. According to the experiment data and flow-field simulation, the vortex bursting occurs along with the decrease of lift. When vortex bursting happens, there’s a recovery shock that exists between the primary and secondary vortex, and a lack of shock is observed between the wing and vortex. As the angle of attack or Mach number increases, the vortex bursting location would be different, which need to be replicated in wind tunnel using the additional equipment if possible.

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