Ray Vandenhoeck, Andrea Lani, Johan Steelant
Conference Number HiSST-2022-85
Obtaining accurate heat flux predictions for high-speed flows remains challenging and typically requires
excessively fine meshes. The present work applies the high-order finite element-type Flux Reconstruction (FR) method and a Localized Laplacian Artificial Viscosity (LLAV) method to two high-speed benchmark test cases. More specifically, the Mach 3 viscous flow over a flat plate with linearly varying wall
temperature and the Mach 17.6 viscous flow over a cylinder with a constant wall temperature are considered. An accurate heat flux prediction for both test cases is obtained at different orders of accuracy
up to 10-th order using coarse meshes. For the flat plate case, the obtained heat flux is compared
with the analytical solution from the Chapman-Rubesin approach. For the cylinder case, the heat flux
is compared with results from the literature. For both cases a good agreement is found. Finally, the
influence of the shock capturing method and the characterizing parameters of the FR method, including
the correction polynomials, point distributions and interface flux schemes, on the predicted heat flux of
the cylinder case is investigated.