T. Ruhe, H. Elsäßer, R. Jemmali, L. Klopsch, F. Kessel, B. Esser, A. Gülhan


Conference Number HiSST-2022407

This document presents an overview of the development and testing of a cost-effective material for
hypersonic application leading edges by edge Rocket Technology GmbH. Main challenges for a midterm
hypersonic flight trajectory are high aerothermal loads and in parallel to stay true to form while handling
the thermal management of the overall system including cold structure. The herein designed
carbon/carbon-based material (named: ‘
edgeM13’) was successfully tested in the arc heated facility
(L2K) of the Supersonic and Hypersonic Technologies Department at the German Aerospace Centre
(DLR) in Cologne. Furthermore, the DLR Institute of Structures and Design, department: Ceramic
Composites Structures in Stuttgart analysis the inner structure of the tested specimen via computer
tomography and determines the raw material properties. The samples where tested with an equivalent
Mach 8 stagnation point heat flux for t=120s in a comparable flight atmosphere of approx. H=40km.
The results of the experiments are introduced in detail in this paper.

Read the full paper here

In Categories: HiSST 2022
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