Giuseppe D. Di Martino, Thomas Reimer, Lucas Dauth, Luis Baier
Conference Number HiSST-2022-405
Sounding rocket flight experiments are of fundamental importance for the development and
optimization of future space transportation systems. In this framework, the STORT project is focused
on the key technologies for the flight at high Mach numbers (higher than 8) for a relatively long time,
representative of the operating conditions of high-energetic re-entry flights for reusable first or upper
stages. In particular the forebody of the flight experiment carrier, which is subjected to the highest
heat loads during the mission trajectory, requires the use of a suitable ceramic matrix composite
structure. The present paper describes the activities carried out for the design, validation and
construction of the forebody thermal protection system, which is constituted by an inhouse-built C/CSiC composite structure, made of a bulk conical nose element and four shell segments manufactured
via wet filament winding of the carbon fibre with a phenolic resin and subsequent pyrolysis and liquid
silicon infiltration.