Jefte S. Guimarães , Marco A.S. Minucci , Dermeval C. Júnior


Conference Number HiSST-2022-268

Hypersonic flow research and studies of supersonic combustion demand the use of ground test facilities,
such as Ram Accelerators, Shock Tunnels and Supersonic Combustion Test Benches. In addition, Shock
Tubes are capable of generating high temperatures and supersonic velocity flows, simulating the real
flow conditions at the entrance of a Scramjet engine combustor (Supersonic Combustion Ramjet),
enabling studies of supersonic combustion. In this work, aerothermodynamic and supersonic
combustion tests were performed using a Shock Tube, in order to replicate the flow conditions at the
entrance of a Scramjet engine combustor. The experimental arrangement consisted of the T1 Shock
Tube, a device with a high-pressure section (Driver) and a low-pressure section (Driver), separated
from each other by a diaphragm. When the diaphragm is ruptured, the flow propagation occurs, which
is accelerated to supersonic speeds through a two-dimensional nozzle connected to the supersonic
combustion chamber. The methodology adopted enabled the analysis of the flow inside the supersonic
combustion chamber of the Scramjet engine, generating flows with Mach number equal to 2.7 at the
entrance. The Schlieren imaging allowed the visualization of the initial flow behavior without fuel

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