V.Levin , I.Manuylovich , V.Markov


Conference Number HiSST 2018_9801058

According to experimental data and the results of theoretical studies, the existence of self-sustained waves of gas detonation is associated with nonstationary processes and the formation of periodic flow structures [1-3]. Numerical studies of the initiation of detonation in the one-dimensional approximation revealed a nonstationary wave structure of detonation. According to calculations, such a wave is always nonstationary, and the wave velocity and parameters on its leading edge vary periodically under the influence of shock waves formed in the induction zone ahead of the accelerating front of flame [4-7]. It turned out that an autooscillatory process develops only when the value of the initiation energy exceeds a certain critical value. Otherwise, the detonation wave decays, decaying into a shock wave and a wave of slow combustion. The values of the critical energy at initiation of detonation were determined various external sources of energy [8-11], as well as the possibility of initiation of detonation as a result of the collapse of a spherical or cylindrical region with reduced pressure without additional energy supply from outside [12-14]. According to the results of calculations of the development of a local perturbation of a plane wave, in the twodimensional approximation, instead of longitudinal one-dimensional waves, transverse waves are formed andthe cellular structure observed in the experiments [15]. The two-dimensional spin model used by many researchers was formulated, and the structure of a two-headed spin detonation wave was calculated [7]. Wave processes were studied during detonation both in a hydrogen-air mixture at rest and in a supersonic flow [16-19]. Special attention was paid in the last decade to problems of initiation and stabilization of detonation in limited volumes of combustion chambers of power plants that realize high-speed combustion of fuel. The use of high-performance computer technology made it possible to investigate multidimensional flows during the initiation of detonation due to the energy of the motion of the combustible mixture and in its interaction with moving boundaries [20-24]. In this case, previously unknown modes of propagation of waves of chemical reactions, including galloping layered detonation, were detected. A detailed numerical study of the formation and stability of threedimensional spin detonation is carried out [25]. The most promising from the point of view of practice is a rotating detonation. In this connection, it draws special attention to both experimentalists and theoreticians [26].Currently, the development and creation of power plants are associated with the use of methods of mathematical modeling using a multiprocessor computer techniques. This article presents the results of numerical studies of the combustion of propane-air mixture in a rotating detonation wave in a device of a special design. For calculations, the supercomputer of the Lomonosov Moscow State University was used [27], where earlier three-dimensional non-stationary reacting flows were calculated on grids with billions of computed cells. Similar calculations of rotating detonation were performed for the first time in Russia. Similar problems are dealt with in the Institute of Hydrodynamics. M.A. Lavrent’ev, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where a series of experimental and theoretical studies devoted to combustion chambers with rotating detonation was carried out.

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