A. Shardin , K. Zhirikhin, S. Kazhichkin, A. Nikulenko, V. Talyzin, E. Dmitriev, A. Sysoev, D. Somov, Yu. Tarasenko
Conference Number HiSST 2018_19101571
One of the main problems in design and manufacture of a high-speed civil vehicles, an aerodynamic models or an experimental facility equipment, subjected to withstand a high-temperature loads, is a combination of optimal choice of construction materials and methods of their protection against the destructive influence of high temperatures. Because of a maximum melting point of most applicable materials usually remains insufficient for operation in a high temperature zones, such as a nose part, wing or tail leading edges of a vehicle or aerodynamic model, arises the necessity of usage of a thermobarrier heat-resistant coating on the edges or other outer curvilinear surfaces of the constructions subjected to the high temperature. The thermo-barrier coating is selected in terms of its structural compatibility with used materials, required protective and mechanical characteristics. To approve the applied thermo-barrier protective coating method, a series of experimental investigation at a high temperature research facility with a samples made from same material as the reference construction and covered with the thermo-barrier coating are provided