O. Gori, N. Viola, R. Fusaro, D. Ferretto, M. Marini, P. Roncioni


Conference Number HiSST-2022-237

Hypersonic transportation systems will be a game-changer for the future of aviation sector. For this
reason, important effort is placed on the development of high-speed civil aviation concepts among the
aerospace community, with a particular focus on the environmental sustainability and social acceptance
of such concepts. A new aircraft concept, the STRATOFLY MR3 vehicle, has been studied in the field of
the H2020 STRATOFLY project. This paper reports the analysis which has been performed to define the
reference mission and related concept of operations for the STRATOFLY MR3 vehicle. Eventually, a
detailed mission simulation has been carried on, to verify the vehicle performance and the feasibility of
the concept.

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