Hideyuki Taguchi, Tomonari Hirotani, Tetsuya Sato, Asei Tzuka, Takeshi Tsuchiya and Takahiro Fujikawa
Conference Number HiSST-2022-131
The design of High Mach Integrated Control Experimental aircraft (HIMICO) for the 1st flight experiment
has been progressed. The experiment aims to establish the design method of separation device,
telecommunication devices, heat shield structure, and aerodynamic control devices. Length and weight
of the aircraft are 1.2 m and 30 kg, respectively. The preliminary studies have been conducted on the
aerodynamics, trajectory, and heat shield structure. The reference trajectory is defined with 24 second
of the hypersonic flight duration. Aerodynamic force coefficients have been obtained at a hypersonic
wind tunnel and CFD analyses. A separation mechanism and a heat shield structure has been studied.