B.Barriety, J-P. Boin , O. Chandre-Vila, T.Mauermann
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2019-115
Current fast static aeroelasticity methods are mainly based on a linear formulation. These approaches are unable to predict the non-linear behavior of the aerodynamic for transonic flows. In consequence, many assumptions are needed to provide artificially a nonlinear behavior. Nevertheless, flight tests and wind tunnel tests have shown that the corrected linear approach is not sufficiently accurate in the non-linear flow regime. Today, the state of the art in static Aeroelasticity for predicting the aerodynamic non-linearities is to run CFD/CSM. This approach is costly in term of modeling and computational time. On top of that, CFD is not able to cover with accuracy the complete aircraft flight domain, which prevents to use CFD/CSM in a regular way for the aircraft Load analysis. The aim of this study is to predict the static aeroelasticity effects acting on an aircraft, taking into account the aerodynamic non-linearities, with a rapid and robust method based on the principle of the local incidence shift. Due to external loading during flight, the flexible wing is affected by the structural deformation which leads to a variation of the local incidence of each wing section. As a consequence, the aerodynamic characteristics of each section will change accordingly. First, the general principle of the fast fluid-structure method is shown. Then a validation of the method using Wind Tunnel Tests and high fidelity CFD/CSM calculations is presented. Finally, a way of using this new method in an industrial context is proposed.