F. Gambioli, R. Alegre Usach, J. Kirby, T. Wilson, P. Behruzi

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2019-142

We provide an overview of a series of experimental tests performed by the Loads & Aeroelastics department at Airbus in support of a broader research activity, aiming at modelling the dissipative effects of fuel sloshing on the dynamic behavior of wing-like structures. We describe the test setup, its similarity with the actual wing-structure of a large civil aircraft, the scaling rules applied, the measuring equipment and the practical considerations which drove the design of the test rig. The free vibration of this wing-like structure is compared for cases with and without sloshing, showing the potential of exploiting the dissipation inherent to the fluid structure interaction process for dynamic load alleviation.

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