Angelo A. Verri ,, Kelvin C. de Morais , Flávio Luiz S. Bussamra, Carlos E. S. Cesnik
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2019-059
This paper presents a static iterative aero-structural method applied as a study case to a transport aircraft with wing aspect ratio of 12. It evaluates the structure geometric nonlinearity effect on aerodynamic coefficients. A Nonlinear High-fidelity Static Fluidstructure Iteration tool (E2-FSI) was used in this study case. It combines Reynolds Average Navier Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics with detailed Finite Elements Method in linear and nonlinear structural analyses. The wing body nonlinear high fidelity static aeroelastic effect on flexible pitching moment coefficient was correlated to rigid tail trimming demand showing static tail loads being modified by wing nonlinear flexibility.