Cyrille Vidy, Lukas Katzenmeier
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2019-034
This paper shows a correction method for classical potential aerodynamic method such as the subsonic Doublet-Lattice Method (DLM) or the supersonic method ZONA51, both widely used for aeroelastic computations. This particular correction method is based on small disturbance CFD, a very robust and efficient tool to derive linearized aerodynamic forces for aeroelasticity with CFD quality. It is based on a multiplicative correction of the aerodynamic influence coefficients (AIC) and on additive correction terms. A first assessment of the improvements to the DLM generalized aerodynamic forces (GAFs) is done using the NLR7301 airfoil, then the effects of this correction technique for flutter analysis are presented using the flying wing configuration SACCON (DLR-F19) and compared with DLM and small disturbance CFD results.