L. Daumas, N. Forestier, M. Perrocheau, G. Broux, F. Chalot, Z. Johan, M. Mallet
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2019-002
Linearized CFD solvers are commonly used at DASSAULT AVIATION to predict unsteady aerodynamic pressure fields on an aircraft in the transonic flow regime. Recently, it has been demonstrated at DASSAULT AVIATION that accounting for the gradient of the Reynolds stress tensor is of major importance to predict the aerodynamic behavior of the aircraft from subsonic to transonic domain (including separated flows). This paper presents two challenging aspects of such accurate predictions using unsteady CFD tools: the sensitivity to turbulence modelling in the high Mach number domain and the capability to predict the impact of the angle of attack (AoA) on the flutter boundary.