Johannes Scheller, Karl-Joseph Rizzo, Gurvan Jodin, Eric Duhayon, Jean-Francois Rouchon, Giles Harran, Marianna Braza
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2015-190
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are conducted at the trailing edge of a piezoelectric actuated airfoil in order to investigate the physical effect on the flow via highfrequency low-amplitude actuation. Furthermore the effects of large-amplitude low frequency actuation modifying the airfoil camber are investigated using aerodynamic force measurements. A statistical analysis reveals the reduction of the Reynolds stress tensor components with increasing actuation frequency up to a frequency of 60 Hz. The modification of the airfoil camber allows real-time control of the desired lift. The feasibility of the designed hybrid morphing mechanism under aerodynamic loads at a Reynolds number of 218, 000 was shown for both the large amplitude and the high frequent actuation.