Vsevolod O. Bondarev, Vasily V. Vedeneev
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2015-168
Panel flutter is an aeroelastic instability of skin panels, which leads to excessive noise generation and their fatigue damage. Although linear stability of panels in uniform flow is studied in detail, the influence of the boundary layer is still an open question. Most studies of panel flutter in the presence of the boundary layer are devoted to (1/7)th power velocity law and yield stabilising effect of the boundary layer. Recently Vedeneev (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 736,2013, pp. 216–249) considered inviscid shear layer with arbitrary velocity and temperature law, and showed that for generalized convex boundary layer profile, the decrease of the growth rates of “supersonic” perturbations (responsible for single mode panel flutter) is accompanied by destabilisation of “subsonic” perturbations that are neutral in uniform flow. More surprising result obtained is that for the boundary layer profile with generalised inflection point the effect of the layer is destabilising even for “supersonic” perturbations. However, these results were obtained by using the long-wave approximation of the Rayleigh equation, which is not always applicable to growing waves. To investigate short waves, in the first part of this study we solve the Rayleigh equation numerically and investigate the inviscid stability of short-wave perturbation of elastic plate in the presence of the boundary layer. We show that the short waves can have even larger growth rates than the long-wave approximation predicts. In the second part of the work, the viscous disturbances are also taken into account, i.e. large finite Reynolds numbers are considered. We use asymptotic expansion for viscous and temperature solutions as R → ∞ and investigate their influence on the unsteady pressure acting on the plate. It is shown that there exist boundary layer profiles so that finiteness of the Reynolds number yields additional increase of the growth rate comparing to both uniform flow and inviscid shear layer.