Chen Zhanjun, Fu Zhichao, Lv Jinan, Liu Ziqiang
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2015-086
This paper presents the flying wing HALE configuration aircraft structure and flight dynamics response of 1-cosine discrete gust by time-domain tool which is constituted by geometrically-exact nonlinear mixed-formulation couple with dynamic stall model ONERA, comparing to accompanying ‘frozen’ models. The “1-cos” gust model was chosen to disturbance the flexible and frozen aircraft by varying the parameters gust length and intensity. The dynamic response of body motion and internal force of structure is investigated. It is found that the critical gust length for flexible aircraft is 24m, while the fluctuations of body motions are mild, and the root bending moment is most drastically, which owing to that the phase of tip and wings is synchronous. The flexible models can pass the field of gust for Lg=24m, while others collapse for gust intensity Wg>3m/s. The reason is that the body motion couple with structure and shares part of energy with body for Lg=24m. So the oscillation of body is mild. But this will leads to severer structure fatigue.