Reik Thormann, Giampaolo Pagliuca, Sebastian Timme

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2017-195

Gust analysis is one key task during design and certification of new aircraft. In the industrial standard, the gust is modelled as a disturbance in velocity and is superposed with the general velocity field surrounding the aircraft. The shape, typically sinusoidal or 1-cos, is uniform in vertical direction and is not changing while travelling through the computational domain. These assumptions known as the field or disturbance velocity method facilitate an efficient way of simulating gust encounter within computational fluid dynamics methods. However, how this frozen gust model effects the accuracy of loads predictions compared to more-realistic models remains an open question. A novel approach to simulate a so-called resolved gust is presented herein. An initial perturbation of the x-velocity is prescribed using a 1-cos shape in two spatial directions. Disturbances in vertical velocity as well as density and pressure are developing after some simulated time. Results are compared to the field-velocity method using the CRANK aerofoil covering subsonic and transonic flow conditions. Lift and moment responses are analysed as well as time histories of velocities at different grid locations. Furthermore, a second aerofoil is added as a horizontal tail-plane to represent a large civil aircraft. This con-figuration is used to include the effects of flight dynamics while analysing the responses due to the two gust models.

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