Youngil KO, Eunji JUN
Conference number: HiSST2024-00202
Designing a Thermal Protection System (TPS) for re-entry vehicles requires numerical methods due to
the difficulties in experimentally replicating the highly non-equilibrium flows. The Direct Simulation
Monte Carlo (DSMC) method stands out for its effectiveness in capturing the non-equilibrium
characteristics. This study assesses the effects of different molecular models and relaxation schemes
within DSMC on the simulation of rarefied hypersonic flow around a 2D cylinder. Results show that the
choice of molecular model and gas-phase relaxation scheme affects the surface heat flux and flowfield
temperature prediction, respectively. Furthermore, a parametric analysis of the surface catalytic
recombination in DSMC is conducted by adjusting the surface recombination coefficient, 𝛾 . The
noncatalytic surface (𝛾 = 0) and fully-catalytic surface (𝛾 = 1) serve as the upper and lower bounds of
the predicted total heat flux. Additionally, the chemical heat flux at the stagnation point increases with
the surface recombination coefficient, due to the exothermicity of the recombination reaction, while
translation heat flux remains nearly unaffected by surface catalysis.