Minsul LEE, Kyu Hong KIM, Hyoungjin KIM
Conference number: HiSST 2024-0046
In this study, Multi-objective shape optimization of the re-entry capsule was conducted by using aero-thermal analysis engineering code. Capsule geometry was defined based on three-dimensional axisymmetric Viking geometry having five design parameters. Automatic surface meshing was carried out using a script that creates a p3d format and converts it to unstructured triangular surface mesh. Aero-thermal analysis was carried out using an engineering code that uses the local surface inclination method to estimate inviscid pressure and reference temperature method to calculate the skin friction coefficient. A streamline tracing method was implemented to calculate the local Reynolds number. Stagnation heat flux was estimated using the Brandis formula. Re-entry capsule geometry was optimized in the flow condition of Mach 20, angle of attack 20 deg, and altitude 57km using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The optimum solution was selected considering the maximum lift-drag ratio, volumetric efficiency, and minimum stagnation heat flux.