L. Ferracina, J. Bertrand, G. Pinaud, P. Tran, M. Regnier, S.Chandesris, I. Sakraker , H.
Weihs, M. Sudars, V. Mareschi, A. Ferri, G. De Zaiacomo


Conference Number HiSST-2022-152

Worldwide experience on Earth high speed re-entry (>10 km/s) is available to USA, Japan and Russia
whereas the European background does not exceed the 8 km/s typical of a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) reentries. Although ESA was/is considering various missions requiring Earth re-entries at speeds up to 13
km/s (such as Marco Polo, Mars Sample Return – MSR, Phobos Sample Return, Polar Lunar Sample
Return) no mission, so far, has been adopted for implementation; very often the lack of the necessary
background on Earth high speed re-entry played and essential role on the decision
To fill such a knowledge gap, ESA is presently considering implementing the Hyper-velocity EArth Reentry TEchnology Demonstrator (HEARTED) mission.
This paper will report the status of the feasibility study of the HEARTED mission covering phases 0 and
A concluded within the Agency Technology Development Element programme.

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