Sarah Mecklem, Damian Curran, Will Landsberg, Ananthanarayanan Veeraragavan
Conference Number HiSST-2022-448
A numerical comparison of distributed fuelling schemes was conducted using US3D ReynoldsAveraged
Navier Stokes (RANS) for an ethylenefuelled Mach 8 axisymmetric scramjet with tandem cavities. Three
fuelling configurations were evaluated using a combination of injector ports located upstream, downstream, between, and within the tandem cavities maintaining a consistent fueltoair equivalence ratio
at 50% of stoichiometric. Combustion behaviour was compared between ‘coldwall’ conditions, representing shock tunnel equivalent test conditions with minimal wall heating, and ‘hotwall’ conditions,
representing steady, infight wall temperatures. Under hotwall conditions, a portion of the wall boundary represented a thermal sink for regenerative fuel heating. Mixing, fuel penetration, and total heat
release were highest for the upstreamonly (baseline) fuelling configuration, however the distributed
fuelling schemes presented resulted in up to 29% less drag at the expense of a 9% reduction in total
heat release. Distributed fuelling methods external to the cavity were more robust to changes in the
thermal environment.