A. Gülhan, D. Hargarten, M. Zurkaulen, F. Klingenberg, F. Siebe, G. di Martino, T. Reimer
Conference Number HiSST-2022-424
The flight experiment STORT with a hot hypersonic Mach 8 flight phase of more than 60 seconds has
been carried out on 26 June 2022 successfully. The three-stage rocket configuration with several
scientific payloads concerning hypersonic technologies lifted off from the Andøya Space launch site in
northern Norway. The third stage performed a suppressed trajectory to increase integral heat load on
the vehicle structures. The nose and forebody section of the payload is made of the CMC structures.
Three canards with a CMC thermal protection were equipped with thermal management experiments
to verify the thermal efficiency of these methods. All engineering science experiments like aerothermal
heating of the nose and forebody, CMC material response at temperature above 2200 K, hypersonic
thermal management, shock wave boundary layer interaction, CFRP module with cork coating for high
temperature applications, high temperature fin leading edge and radiometer sensors provided unique
flight data. A reduced in-flight 3 DoF trajectory simulation running on the flight computer determined
the ignition time of the third stage which allowed improved experiment conditions in terms of Mach
number and apogee altitude even in the presence of external perturbations.