LinHou, DaweiZhang, XuejunFan


Conference Number HiSST-2020-56

In liquid rocket engines, jet impingement has a profound effect on atomization andmixing of the liquid-phase fuel and oxidizer and thus on the subsequent combustion performance. Practically, there existsa number ofmanners ofjet impingements, i.g.the like-doublet (O-O or F-F) impingement, unlike- double (O-F) impingement, multi-jet impingement, etc. As for the multi-jet impingement, noticeable at tention has been paid mainly on its influence to the mixing of fuel and oxidizer in terms of equivalence ratio. Atomization property arose under such impingement, however, still needs efforts to be understood. The content of the present study is mainly on experimentally investigating atomization modes by multiple jets impingement under deferring impact parameter, B. Injector integrated with three water jets is employed herein to provide the impinging event. Fabrication of these injectors with different impact parameters are guaranteed by virtue of the intelligent manufacturing technology. The aforementioned impact parameter,B,measures the deviation of impinging jets trajectory from the head-on situation and is defined as the ratio of spatially separation distance between the impinging jets to the value of jet diameter.According to the definition of B, it gives

๐ต = 2๐‘™ โˆ™ sin ๐œƒ / ๐‘‘

where ๐‘™ is the jet pre-impingement distance;๐œƒ is the angle of jet deflection; and๐‘‘is the jet diameter. In practice, whenB=0, the three jets feature as head-on impingement; when 0<B <1, the jets impingement skews; and whenB=1, the grazing impingement where there is no mass transfer between the impinging jets. Effects of impact parameter on liquid sheet disintegration and atomization under varying impinging Weber numbers (Wes) is also considered in the present work. Four types of disintegration modesof the liquid sheet, under various Bs,are observed and reasonably explained for the first time.

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