Thomas E. Schwartzentruber, Maninder Grover, Erik Torres
Conference Number HiSST-2022-80
Predictive simulations of the shock-heated, high-temperature environment that surrounds a hypersonic
vehicle during flight is an important aspect of advancing hypersonic vehicle technology. It is not possible
to reproduce flight conditions in ground-testing facilities and flight-testing is expensive. As a result,
advanced aerodynamic and chemical kinetics modeling, combined with high performance computing,
plays a critical role in advancing hypersonic flight science. Considerable recent effort has been devoted
to understanding and modeling internal energy relaxation and dissociation in hypersonic flows using
first-principles calculations. In the past ten years, 23 potential energy surfaces (PESs) that govern the
collision dynamics of relevant air species (N2, N, O2, O, and NO) in the ground electronic state have
been developed and used to simulate dissociating nitrogen and oxygen gas. These simulations have
predicted the precise coupling between gas internal energy and chemical reactions including nonBoltzmann effects. Recent experimental measurements are now able to validate these non-Boltzmann
coupling predictions for the first time.