G. Saccone, L. Cutrone , M. Marini


Conference Number HiSST-2022-230

The Italian Aerospace Research Centre – CIRA in collaboration with several European organizations,
coordinated by Politecnico di Torino contributed to an international project, called Stratospheric Flying
Opportunities for High-Speed Propulsion Concepts – STRATOFLY and financed by EC Horizon 2020
programme. This project regarded the field of air-breathing hypersonic scramjet vehicles design and
development and was pursued in order to improve the enabling technologies for realization of a
commercial hypersonic aircraft able to flight at Mach 8, at 30÷35 km of altitude, for at least 4 hours
with a minimum environmental impact and especially low NOx emissions In this framework, an
enhanced comprehension of the multidimensional, supersonic, turbulent, combustion processes
occurring during scramjet operations is of paramount importance. For this purpose, a thorough 0D/1D
kinetic assessment of hydrogen oxidation and reaction with air was carried out by means of both the
open-source Cantera software and the CIRA in-house aero-thermodynamic/aero-propulsive code,
denominated Scramjet PREliminary Aerothermodynamic Design – SPREAD. The first tool was used for
the identification of the most suitable kinetic mechanisms, able to predict with a satisfactory accuracy
the ignition delay times and the NOx emissions at the most relevant scramjet operating conditions.
Otherwise, the second was aimed to study in real-time several engine/aircraft configurations of airbreathing, hypersonic scramjet vehicles and to model either in a single approach either as a whole the
main tail-to-nose components of the aircraft The kinetic assessment was validated by means of
comparison of the ignition delay times predicted using three chemical models especially conceived for
hydrogen/air supersonic combustion with the experimental measurements accomplished in shock
tubes. Instead, 1D SPREAD results were computed to reproduce with satisfactory reliability vehicle
performances at nominal conditions. Special emphasis was paid on physical-chemical modelling of
hydrogen-air combustion, through preliminary identification and implementation of suitable detailed,
skeletal and reduced mechanisms for hypersonic combustion, by means of zero-dimensional, kinetic

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