Karel H. Lammers, Remco Habing, Guillaume Grossir, Christophe Schram
Conference Number HiSST-2022-315
This paper describes the application of existing semi-empirical jet noise models to flows expected in
airframe-integrated propulsion systems. In this study, the LAPCAT-MR2.4 air-breathing propulsion
system for hypersonic aviation is examined during the subsonic landing and take-off (LTO) cycle. For
this part of the flight envelope the internal flow topology is that of a subsonic core flow in the main
nozzle, which is penetrated by two lateral jets with low-supersonic discharge velocities. The complex
three-dimensional mixing between the subsonic and supersonic streams takes place within a long
diffuser nozzle that is also integrated within the airframe. During the LTO cycle it shields the jet and
offers room for acoustic liners to reduce noise emissions. In this research the propulsion system of the
LAPCAT-MR2.4 vehicle is represented by a simplified coaxial axi-symmetric configuration, still retaining
the key flow features of the real geometry, which are considered to be aero-acoustically dominant. A
scaled-down nozzle for an unheated jet is designed, instrumented and tested in order to evaluate the
applicability of using existing semi-empirical jet noise models to predict the far field noise arising from
this type of propulsion systems. With these insights, key jet noise sources and directivities were
identified and attempts were made to alter existing semi-empirical jet noise models to predict the noise
originating from the laboratory scale nozzle.