Guillaume Grossir and Olivier Chazot
Conference Number HiSST-2022-38
A design methodology for supersonic and hypersonic contoured axisymmetric nozzles in presence of
real gas effects is presented. The design approach relies on the method of characteristics and includes
both dense gas effects and high-temperature effects. The implementation of the methodology relies on
tabulated flow properties issuing from appropriate equations of state. Inviscid contours are determined
from piecewise velocity and Mach number polynomials prescribed along the nozzle axis. The design of
the transonic contour in presence of real gas effects is carefully addressed and a solution is presented
to fulfill the continuous wall curvature requirements. The influence of a real gas equation of state on
the contours of axisymmetric nozzles is presented. The corresponding design tool “HYPNOZE” also includes design methods for the convergent, features corrections for viscous effects, and enables efficient
parametric studies.