Naresh Relangi, Antonella Ingenito, Jeyakumar S


Conference Number HiSST-2022-266

The interest in hypersonic flights lies in the possibility of reaching antipodal terrestrial distances in about
a couple of hours at Mach 8. To make this technology ready, some issues still need to be addressed.
At supersonic flight speeds, the air residence time is of the order of 1 millisecond: fuel and air must be
mixed and burned completely in a very short time. The flow field within the combustor of the scramjet
engine is very complex and poses a considerable challenge in the design and development of a
supersonic combustor with optimized geometry. This combustor must promote sufficient mixing of fuelair and flame stabilisation avoiding excessive pressure losses and consequently penalties in thrust
efficiency. Therefore, the development of scramjet engines poses considerable challenges and requires
multidisciplinary design, analysis, modeling, simulation and system optimization. Several studies have
been carried out worldwide, and various concepts have been suggested for scramjet combustor
configurations to overcome the limitations given by the short flow residence time. In this paper,
performance of an innovative axisymmetric configuration has been numerically investigated by means
of LES. Results show that a combustion efficiency of 80% may be attained assuming an upstream
injection into the cavity.

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