Marius Franz, Philipp Donn
Conference Number HiSST-2022-218
In this work, an advanced atmospheric model (IATM) for the flight of SHEFEX II is created and its effect
on the aerodynamic loads of the first stage fins of SHEFEX II is investigated. The atmospheric model
bases on weather balloon data collected at the starting day of the flight experiment. The wind data are
decomposed using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and reduced by their intrinsic mode functions
(IMF) to get wind data without balloon oscillation. Compared to a linear interpolated atmosphere (LATM)
the numerical results show no significant influence on the forced motion body loads but there is a high
impact of wind on the fins of SHEFEX II as unsteady simulations show an increase up to twice the
amount of dynamic loading, while viscous effects can be neglected.