Hongliang Pan , Jinying Ye  , Fei Qin , Yajun Wang


Conference Number HiSST 2018-28701121

The use of a structurally variable combustor is one of the most effective methods to improve the performance of a rocket-based combined-cycle (RBCC) engine over a wide operating range. This paper aims to study the matching between the combustor and the inlet/exhaust of a variable geometry RBCC engine at low inflow Mach numbers, furthermore the paper focus on the feasibility of using a variable geometry combustor to carry out a steady secondary fuel combustion in a pure ramjet mode instead of in a rocket aided ramjet mode in order to improve the engine performance at low inflow Mach number stage. Under the inflow conditions of Ma 2 and Ma 3, the matching operating conditions between the combustor and the inlet/exhaust are studied in detail based on the rocket-ramjet combustion mode. Different combustion organization methods show that the performance of the engine can be optimized by the fuel pylons concentrated injection under the Ma 3 inflow condition. By injecting secondary fuel in the isolator section, the transition of the engine from the rocket-ramjet mode to the pure ramjet mode is obtained in the variable geometry ram combustor. In the pure ramjet mode, the specific impulse of the engine is increased by 14.5% compared with in the rocket-ramjet mode, despite the ram specific impulse decreased by 10.2% due to a worsen combustion efficiency without rocket jet.

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