Sara Di Benedetto , Maria Pia Di Donato , Attilio Rispoli , Giuseppe Pezzella , Roberto Scigliano , Francesco Nebula , Domenico Cristillo , Marco Marini , Salvatore Cardone  , Johan Steelant , Victor Villace , Ludovico Vecchione


Conference Number HiSST 2018-42601154

Thanks to a coordinated funding by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC) in the 7th Framework Program, the High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles – International (HEXAFLY-INT) project is aimed at the flight validation of hypersonics technologies enabling future trans-atmospheric flights. The project, which is currently involving partners from Europe, Russian Federation and Australia operating under ESA/ESTEC coordination, will achieve the goal of designing, manufacturing, assembling and in flight testing an unpowered high speed vehicle glider configuration with several breakthrough technologies on-board. The HEXAFLY Experimental Flight Test Vehicle (EFTV) is planned to be launched by the Brazilian VBS43 launcher, equipped with a S43 rocket engine which will perform a suborbital trajectory having an apogee at 90 km. During the early phase of its descent flight segment, the EFTV will be docked to the Experimental Service Module (ESM) which has the aim of controlling the vehicle attitude by means of cold gas Reaction Control Systems thrusters (RCS). After the separation from the ESM, a pull-out manoeuver will bring the EFTV to level flight condition at a target altitude of 32km where the experimental phase will start in controlled hypersonic cruise at approximately Mach 7. The main technical challenges of the project are specifically related with the design of the vehicle gliding configuration and the complexity of integrating breakthrough technologies with standard aeronautical technologies, e.g. high temperature protection system and airframe cold structures. This paper will provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the multidisciplinary activities performed by CIRA and TET to design the EFTV and its experimental flight trajectory.

Read the full paper at the KU Leuven website >

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