Baranov , N. Batura  , V. Bityurin , A. Bocharov , S. Bychkov  , V. Grushin  , N. Kolushov  , N. Tretyakova  , E. Vasilevsky  , N. Zhurkin


Conference Number HiSST 2018_3250999

The main purpose of the experiment-calculated studies is to determine the scale of the dynamic effect caused by changes in gas-dynamic forces and moments on the surface of an aircraft. The origin of forces is explained by the modification of the flow characteristics as a result of the magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) interaction of a high-velocity flow with a strong magnetic field. The experiments were carried out in TsAGI at the wind tunnel with a magneto hydrodynamic accelerator (SMGDU). The use of MHD accelerator made it possible to create high-velocity flows of partially ionized air at high total enthalpy values. The mobile model installed in the flow reacted to the change in pressure when the pulse electromagnet was turned on. The data obtained were compared with the results of numerical simulation performed with the help of the PlasmAero package developed in JIHT. The code was based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, the equations of electrodynamics in the low-frequency approximation under conditions of chemically non-equilibrium real gas. It was shown that the gas-dynamic component of the MHD effect turned out to be significant. The practical prospect of the research is related to the use of electric and magnetic fields to develop new methods for controlling the flow of a flying body by a gas-plasma stream.

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