P. Gerlinger , Y.-H. Simsont


Conference Number HiSST 2018-1105

The thermal load on a lobed scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) strut injector is investigated numerically for Mach 8 flight conditions. For this purpose, coupled 3D RANS (Reynolds Averaged NavierStokes) simulations of the supersonic external flow field around the strut injector and the subsonic strut internal hydrogen flow are performed. The temperature distribution in the solid strut material is simulated by a separate code, which exchanges data with the solver for the external and internal flow fields. Due to the predominantly low Mach numbers inside the strut, an all-Mach number preconditioning is required to enable convergence of the compressible flow solver. The air flow Mach number in the combustion chamber is 3. Different strut materials (copper, silicone carbide, molybdenum, and tungsten) with different heat capacities and thermal conductivities are compared. Moreover, the impact of the height of the blunt tip of the strut on the heat load is investigated. Due to a small detached normal shock wave upstream of the strut, the thermal load at the tip is very high. Unfortunately this part is difficult to cool. In order to keep the strut temperature acceptable, it is cooled actively by the hydrogen, which is injected later for combustion. A sophisticated internal strut structure is used to direct the hydrogen towards regions of highest heat load. Different strut geometries, fuel mass fluxes (stoichiometric ratios), and strut materials are investigated.

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