A. Schettino , G. Pezzella , M. Marini , S. Di Benedetto , V. F. Villace , J. Steelant , R. Choudhury , A. Gubanov , N. Voevodenko


Conference Number HiSST 2018_2940957

The present paper is devoted to the aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic characterization and analysis of the HEXAFLY-INT hypersonic glider, developed in the frame of an international project co-funded by the European Community and the European Space Agency. The HEXAFLY-INT project is aimed to design, manufacture and test in flight an innovative gliding hypersonic vehicle, based on the configuration developed in previous projects LAPCAT I, II and HEXAFLY and other technologies elaborated in ATLLAS I & II. The flight experiment focuses on a self-controlled glider configuration characterized by high aerodynamic efficiency and equipped with several breakthrough technologies onboard, in order to provide valuable aerodynamic and aero-structural flight data to validate methods and technologies used to design the hypersonic vehicle. The aero-database is built by means of a massive number of CFD simulations of increasing level of accuracy, and through an experimental test campaign carried on at TsAGI T-116 wind tunnel.

Read the full paper from the KU Leuven website >

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