Ph. Reynier , J. Van den Eynde and J. Steelant


Conference Number HiSST 2018_3101062

Software generally used for the post processing of CFD calculations are limited to generic flow variables such as pressure, density, velocity, Mach number… In the perspective of the in-depth analysis of CFD results some other parameters such as Reynolds number, shock-layer thickness are of interest. The purpose of this work has for objective to cover this gap. This contribution focuses on the development of a software dedicated to the post-processing of computational fluid dynamics results, with as ultimate objective to be a tool dedicated to the design analysis of spacecraft. At first, the parameters of interest for describing the boundary layer main characteristics (thickness, occurrence of transition) have been selected from the literature. In parallel an extensive survey of similar tools have been carried out for selecting the best approach for the software to be developed. Here, the first results obtained with this tool on two configurations are presented. The first one is a slender body, while the other is a Mars entry probe.

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