Li Qing, Wan Xi


Conference Number HiSST 2018_460802

Flying-wing is an advanced low-aspect-ratio aircraft in transonic and supersonic flight conditions. Such low-aspect-ratio layout has high aerodynamic efficiency and good stealth performance. In order to meet the requirements of future flight vehicle aerodynamic experiment and research, especially the requirement of supersonic flight, domestic research institutions designed a low-aspect-ratio flying-wing model in house and carried out wind tunnel aerodynamic experiments. A research platform for lowaspect-ratio fusion body flight vehicle is set up. In this paper numerical simulations are conducted for flying-wing aerodynamic characteristics at different attack angles in supersonic flow condition by using high credible CFD software AVICFD-X. AVICFD-X is an unstructured grid solver aiming at solving full Mach range flow field, which is developed by Chinese Aeronautical Establishment. Then numerical simulation of aerodynamic characteristics by using different turbulent models are presented and discussed. It can be concluded that the numerical results of lift, drag, pitching moment coefficient are in good accordance with wind tunnel test data. Compared with RANS simulation, the SALSA-DDES and IDDES improve the computation accuracy of aerodynamic characteristics at high attack angle. The accordance of simulation and experiment validates the computational accuracy of AVICFD-X.

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