Gennady A. Amiryants, Vladimir P. Kulesh, Victor A. Malyutin, Andrey V. Smotrov, Alexander V. Chedrik

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2015-148

Main task of the SADE (SmArt High Lift DEvices for Next Generation Wing) project was investigation of the next generation “smart” high lift devices directed for lift-todrag ratio, fuel efficiency increase as also noise, emission decrease at all flight regimes, especially at take-off/landing regimes. Some concepts of adaptive control were investigated in this project. Significant step in the investigation of the most perspective ones was manufacturing and testing of large-scaled demonstrator in TsAGI big size low-speed T-101 wind tunnel. this paper mainly theoretical-experimental In investigations, results of ground vibration tests – GVT, as well as the results of “smart” leading edge elastic deformations optical measurements are presented. flutter and divergence results of the To measure the deformations of “smart” leading edge upper and lower surfaces noncontact videogrammetric method and double-channel measuring system were developed. Digital cameras were located inside of the left endplate above and under the wing. Additional controller based on compact computer in the left endplate was used for distance image transfer in the image acquisition system on the base of PC.

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