Olga V. Zubakova , Mikhail C. Zichenkov, Anatoly V. Zubakov, Fanil Z. Ishmuratov, Yuri A. Nayko, Alexander V. Khalo

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2015-059

Aeroelastic computational model of the transport aircraft with geared tabs on control surfaces is investigated in the paper. It is shown that the geared tab can significantly increase control surface (CS) effectiveness due to the structural elasticity. Main results of the paper are following. At low rotation stiffness of the control surface the geared tab can significantly increase CS effectiveness due to elastic deformations. It is useful structural flexibility development for problems of the aircraft control in the flight dynamics (example of the “active aeroelasticity”). For the aeroelastic stability problem with control system frequency responses rising reduces stability margin of the closed loop in the range of the elastic oscillation frequencies. The method of the analysis is shown and numerical estimations of above-mentioned effects are presented.

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