Yoo Jin Kang, Chan Hoon Chung, Jae Hyeok Jeon, Sang Joon Shin, Young Ho Na

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2015-039

A horizontal stabilizer connected with a link, which has 5 elastic beam-like components, is manipulated by an actuator and its attitudes are prescribed in that way. This stabilizer is equipped in a high-speed vehicle flying at a supersonic speed. This paper is mainly about the dynamic torsional stiffness between the horizontal stabilizer and the link, and how the change of such stiffness has an influence on the structural and aeroelastic responses of the horizontal stabilizer. By comparing with an experiment, the structural analysis using MSC.NASTRAN was verified. The flutter analyses under two boundary conditions were performed, one with dynamic torsional stiffness and the other with the root of the horizontal stabilizer fully cantilevered. From these results, the effects of the dynamic stiffness due to the flexible link are observed in flutter analysis. For further aeroservoelastic analysis of the complete horizontal stabilizer control system, the dynamic response analysis of the movable link is performed.

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