Wang Zexi, Wan Zhiqiang, Yang Chao, Zhu Siyan
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2017-210
The potential benefits of composite wing structure can be more largely developed through detailed analyses on the inherent features of fluid-structure coupling in conceptual stage. A multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) method on composite wing structure of strutbraced wing (SBW) commercial aircraft is proposed. The object of optimization is to minimum structure weight and aeroelastic indices including wing tip displacement, aerodynamic twist, aileron effectiveness, laminate strain, composite failure as well as buckling are taken into consideration as design constrains. The effects of configuration parameters, composite laminate thickness and section size of main beams are taken into comprehensive consideration in this method based on genetic algorithm. Aerodynamic analysis of whole aircraft in cruise state is based on solving Eular equations and drag prediction can be obtained by a viscous correction method, which is confirmed suitable for genetic optimization. The results demonstrate that aeroelasticity as well as composite into structure significantly effects aerodynamic performance and should be consideration in conceptual stage.