Arne Voß, Gabriel Pinho Chiozzotto, Per Ohme

DOI Number: N/A

Conference number: IFASD-2017-206

This work presents the results of dynamic maneuver simulations of a sailplane and the comparison to flight test data. The goal of the effort is to extend and validate an in-house toolbox used for loads analysis of free-flying flexible aircraft in the time domain. The underlying aerodynamic theories are the steady Vortex Lattice and the Doublet Lattice Method with a rational function approximation (RFA) for the unsteady simulations in the time domain. The structural model comprises a beam model to represent the stiffness properties and a lumped mass model, both are developed using preliminary design methods. Steady aeroelastic trim simulations are performed and used as initial condition for the time simulation of the unsteady maneuvers in which the pilot’s commands, which were recorded during flight test, are prescribed at the control surfaces. Two vertical maneuvers with elevator excitation and two rolling maneuvers with aileron excitation are simulated. The validation focuses on the comparison of interesting quantities such as section loads, structural accelerations and the rigid body motion. Good agreement between simulation and flight test data is demonstrated for both vertical and rolling maneuvers, confirming the quality of the models developed by the preliminary design methods.

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