William D. C. Liw Tat Man, Andrew G. B. Mowat, Arnaud G. Malan, Javon C. Farao
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2017-117
A framework for non-linear flutter analysis of a full aircraft was developed. The multiphysics Finite Volume, Vertex-Centered code Elemental was used to perform simulations over the NASA Common Research Model (CRM) geometry flying under gust loading. Summation By Parts-Simultaneous Approximations Terms (SBP-SAT) was utilised to apply the boundary conditions and Timoshenko beam theory was used to represent the linear structural representation. A half gust length of 150ft was applied via Split Velocity Method (SVM) and the linear beam response was investigated. A transonic calculation was performed with a Mach number of 0.86 and an angle of attack corresponding to the target lift coefficient of 0.5. Bezier curves were used for the interpolation in order to obtain a smooth wing surface. The results shown that the gust causes an increase in lift coefficient of the aircraft.