Michael Fehrs, Jens Nitzsche, Anne Hebler
DOI Number: N/A
Conference number: IFASD-2017-066
This paper introduces a local, correlation-based transition model used for CFDbased flutter predictions. The presented γ transition model is based on the γ transport equation of the γ-Reθ transition model. The model is calibrated for external aerodynamic flows in a low turbulence environment and is validated based on experimental data for moderate and high Reynolds numbers found in free flight. A steady 2D validation case, a steady 3D test case for comparison with the eN method, an unsteady 2D validation test case, and an unsteady 2D test case for comparison with the eN method are presented. In addition, the effect of a boundary layer transition on the flutter behavior of an airfoil in transonic flow at a free flight Reynolds number is demonstrated.