Talluri Vamsi Krishna, Saranyamol VS, Desikan SLN, Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno
Conference Number HiSST-2022-416
The leading-edge bluntness plays an important parameter in influencing separation and shock boundary
layer interactions. Current work is to investigate the effect of the sharp and blunt leading edges at
Mach 6 to understand the wall heat fluxes and flow characteristics of a scramjet intake. A detailed two
-dimensional computational study carried out using commercially available Ansys Fluent software. Three
different nose tip radii of 0, 0.5 & 1.0 mm analyzed for ramp and cowl individually. Radius of 0.5 mm
shows no significant change in the flow field for the all the configurations simulated. When the tip
radius increased to 1.0 mm, peak pressure loads were increased marginally and peak heat transfer to
the wall decreased significantly for all the configurations tested. This study provided better insights into
understanding nose tip bluntness effect on ramp, cowl and combination of both with respect to shock
boundary layer intractions.