Matus Cvengros, Quentin Michalski
Conference Number HiSST2022-0433
External burning ramjet (EBR) is an interesting candidate for hypersonic airbreathing propulsion, pre senting a unique application of supersonic combustion without the drawbacks of scramjets such as inlet unstart and choking. This research focuses on a parametric study of threedimensional hydrogen in jection in Mach 7.6 and Mach 11.4 flow and subsequent external burning in a wedge geometry using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The simulations employ detailed 13 species hydrogenair chem istry model. Numerical results are compared to previous experimental study of a wedgeshaped external burning combustor. The performance of the configuration is subsequently assessed by varying the lo cation of the injectors along the compression surface of the wedge and the injector fuel pressure. The results suggest that in all simulated cases, the combustion throughout the expansion fan is quenched mainly by the sudden temperature and pressure drop.