Eduard E. Son, Vladimir G. Degtyar , Vladimir I. Khlybov, Alexander N. Prokhorov , Konstantin Y. Arefyev, Vadim Yu. Aleksandrov, Oleg V. Guskov, Sergey T.
Kalashnikov, Nikolai V. Kukshinov, Rodion S. Sidorov, Konstantin E. Son
DOI Number
Conference Number HiSST 2018_58201625
The paper presents the results of numerical and experimental studies of a hydrogen demonstrator the
high-speed ramjet for hypersonic flight with an engine ventral position and a flat air intake device
(AID). Simulated bench fire altitude tests of the demonstrator. When simulating a ground-based
experiment, the geometry and operation mode of the stand on which the tests were carried out as
part of the HEXAFLY-INT project were repeated closely. The flow parameters in the combustion
chamber and the nozzle of the model were calculated for different values of the oxidizer excess ratio
and combustion efficiency. The total flow pulse at the nozzle section and the total force acting on the
model (effective thrust) were determined. The range of parameters with the positive air-jet balance is