TANNO Hideyuki, KOMURO Tomoyuki, SATO Kazuo and ITOH Katsuhiro Author


Conference Number HiSST 2018_46401203

A series of wind tunnel test campaigns conducted in the HIEST free-piston high-enthalpy shock tunnel were reported. Three-component aerodynamic characteristics (drag, lift and pitching moment) with generic test models; blunted cone, capsule and lifting body, were measured under high-temperature real-gas condition. A free-flight multi-component force-measurement technique was implemented, which involved the test model being completely non-restrained for the duration of the test and thus experiencing free-flight conditions for a period in the order of milliseconds. Compared with conventional force measurement techniques, the present one has the advantage of no aerodynamic and mechanical interference with the model support system and less variation in the model position and attitude during the test resulting high-precision measurement. Through the comparison between under perfect gas and high-temperature real-gas condition, it was found that drag and lift coefficients agreed well with all the test models. On the contrary, pitching moment coefficient differed significantly, in particular with the lifting body

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